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At LA Abortion, we understand that the Internet is a great tool for finding information and support. It can be an excellent resource to help you in your decision- making process or with post-abortion healing. Unfortunately, as you search online, you may come across information that is negative, anti-choice, or just plain wrong. We want women to access accurate and honest information when searching online. These links are pro-choice and supportive.
Alan Guttmacher Institute
MomDadImPregnant - a resource for
teens and parents to talk about an unplanned pregnancy.
Center for Reproductive Rights
Feminist Majority Foundation
Organization for Women
http://www.pregnancyoptions.info/ - A great workbook online, to guide you through
the decision-making process when facing a pregnancy decision.
http://www.pregnancyoptions.info/whichmethod.htm -
A website to help you decide if the surgical or pill method is right for you.
www.choicelinkup.com -
This site offers accurate, unbiased information on a variety of reproductive health
rights, including abortion. It contains links to many other pro-choice websites.
505-757-2991 - This group offers excellent,
pro-choice counseling via the phone.
888-493-0092 -
This free talk line offers a safe and confidential space for women and their loved
ones to talk openly about pregnancy, parenting, abortion, and adoption.
www.imnotsorry.net -
A site where women can share their positive experiences with abortion.
http://www.ourtruths.org -
Our truths/nuestras verdades is a quarterly print and on-line bilingual magazine
dedicated to bringing to light the diversity of abortion experiences.
Political Organizations
www.rcrc.org -
The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice (RCRC) offers resources on clarifying
one‚ spiritual beliefs around abortion, as well as a comprehensive list of publications
for download on individual religions‚ stances on choice.
www.catholicsforchoice.org -
Catholic Abortion Advocates